Windows Photo Viewer isn"t part of Windows 10, but if you upgraded from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, you might still have it. Khổng lồ check, press and hold (or right-click) a photo in tệp tin Explorer, và select Open with. If Windows Photo Viewer isn"t in the list, you cannot install it on Windows 10.

Bạn đang xem: Phần mềm xem ảnh window photo viewer

The Photos phầm mềm in Windows 10 does the same things Photo Viewer did, & more..

Press Ctrl + the mouse wheel to zoom in or out. Change mouse wheel settings in More  > Settings.

Xem thêm: Doraemon Vietsub Tập Máy Ảnh Ma Thuật, Đọc Truyện Tranh, Máy Ảnh Ma Thuật

To browse photos within a folder, mở cửa a photo from the Folders view or tệp tin Explorer, then swipe right or use the arrow keys khổng lồ see the next item.

Click on a photo lớn show the buttons at the top, including Zoom, Delete, Rotate, Edit & Create, Share, & Print. Press & hold (or right-click) for more commands, such as File info, Save as, Copy, and Set as.

Open the Photos phầm mềm from the button below.


mở cửa the Photos ứng dụng



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