Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic is an adventure anime series adaptation of Shinobu Ohtaka"s Japanese manga. Magi is any magician who is extremely talented và feels an intense passion for magic.

Bạn đang xem: Magi season 3: release date, trailer, cast, plot & more

It is a part of their life and this is how they see it. They are powerful và can make significant decisions for the kingdom.

But this story is about a young Magi, named Aladdin. He just wants khổng lồ know himself và find his true identity.

Aladdin is on a journey but he got his company. He can summon a djinn named Ugo. As the story progresses, he finds more friends & people who will help him truly understand life & his purpose.

Magi involves magic, adventure, action, & a wonderful fantasy world. It is a well-loved anime with a loyal fanbase, but the problem is, there is no sign of season 3.

Fans want it desperately, so let"s find out everything about the anime and any latest updates related lớn the new season.

Everything we know about Magiso far

We all love to see different worlds, don"t we? Full of magic, the anime introduces us lớn the Dark Continent from where Morgiana belongs. We also get khổng lồ see the native kingdoms of Aladdin and Alibaba.

The name of the characters reminds me of Arabian Nights. And indeed, the story of the anime is heavily based on Arabian Nights. The magic, the adventure, the action, the mystery, everything keeps your eyes wide xuất hiện and forces you to lớn binge-watch the series.

The anime ended on a rather weird note. Alibaba enters into the new World created by Sinbad và tries to lớn reunite with his friends và that"s it.

It has been so many years & yet we haven"t got another season. We haven"t even got an answer khổng lồ our question, "Will there be a Season 3 for Magi The Labyrinth of Magic?"Therefore, we decided to hunt for the answer ourselves.

Shall we begin?


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Official Announcements và Release date of MagiSeason 3

If you"re a fan hâm mộ of the series, you are already aware that the last episode of Season 2 aired in 2014.

Over the past 7 years, no official updates have been availableon whether the next season will happen or not.

Enough content is already there for a whole new season, but why there is no magi season 3? Some fans are expecting it khổng lồ come out around 2023. But no one knows the real answer.

To figure out we need to lớn look at the source material, ratings, popularity, và sales lớn figure out whether it would be viable for the creators to renew it for the next season.

We will first look into the source material & see if enough volumes of the manga are left lớn make a whole new season.


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Source Material Information for Magi Season 3

The anime series is an adaptation of a manga series with the same name. It was written và illustrated by the Japanese mangaka Shinobu Ohtaka.

The first volume of the manga was published on July 3, 2009.

VolumesEnglish Release Date
Volume 1August 13, 2013
Volume 2October 8, 2013
Volume 3December 10, 2013
Volume 4February 11, 2014
Volume 5April 8, 2014
Volume 6June 10, 2014
Volume 7August 12, 2014
Volume 8October 14, 2014
Volume 9December 9, 2014
Volume 10February 10, 2015
Volume 11April 14, 2015
Volume 12June 9, 2015
Volume 13August 11, 2015
Volume 14October 13, 2015
Volume 15December 8, 2015
Volume 16February 9, 2016
Volume 17April 12, 2016
Volume 18June 14, 2016
Volume 19August 9, 2016
Volume 20October 11, 2016
Volume 21December 13, 2016
Volume 22February 14, 2017
Volume 23April 11, 2017
Volume 24June 13, 2017
Volume 25August 8, 2017
Volume 26October 10, 2017
Volume 27December 12, 2017
Volume 28February 13, 2018
Volume 29April 10, 2018
Volume 30June 12, 2018
Volume 31August 14, 2018
Volume 32October 9, 2018
Volume 33December 11, 2018
Volume 34February 12, 2019
Volume 35April 9, 2019
Volume 36June 11, 2019
Volume 37August 13, 2019

An interesting thing to notice here is that the date of the last published volume is October 2017. Vì chưng you remember the last episode aired in 2014?

That means the source material has not been exhausted right? But is there enough of it for another whole season to be created?yes, there is.

Season 1 & season 2 total covered 198 chapters of manga but in total there are 369 chapters. If we assume each season covered almost 100 chapters then there are 171 chapters still left for season 3.

So, here we are getting a positive signal. What about popularity?


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Popularity Details of Magi Season 3

Oftentimes we see the desire of the fans doing wonders. How vì chưng you ask? If there is huge popularity amongst people for Season 3, bởi you think the creators will not take this chance?

They definitely will. But for that to lớn happen, we need lớn make sure that the fans are raving about it! Is that the case here?

Who can tell us about it better than social truyền thông platforms và Google right?

Search Volume

A monthly search is a genuine metric lớn know the actual number of people interested in Magi season 3. As expected there are significant searches for magi season 3, with total global searches of around 10K.

The majority of these searches come from the US. There is no surprise at all. For almost all anime the US is the trang chủ for searches & interest.

Google Trends

What"s the trend? Is there any?

My goodness, are we going through some kind of "bad luck" phase? It has been going down continuously & now there"s almost no trend. Or at least not enough for another season I"m sure. Guys, there"s still a lot left okay?

Don"t chiến bại hope yet so quickly!

Twitter and Instagram

Twitter & InstagramIs there a strong social presence? bởi you guys know how lớn write a BIG NO? Because the answer lớn the question is indeed a BIG NO!

They haven"t even bothered to mở cửa a social truyền thông account on either Twitter or Instagram. I don"t why, but a huge section of the older generation has yet not realized the power of social media.

Never mind, that"s not our business. We need to lớn take a look at the tín đồ pages if any!




You know what? Before heading over khổng lồ Reddit I was singing the tuy vậy "don"t let me down". Don"t let me down!" God, I can"t stop laughing at myself!

Anyways, did Reddit let me down? Yes, and, No. The page Magi The Labyrinth of Magic is having 9.9k followers presently. So no, it did not let me down because it is comparatively higher than Twitter and Instagram.

Yes, it did let me down, because 9.9k isn"t attractive for another Season khổng lồ be created. What am I supposed to do now? Wait, we need to check the online reactions of people as well, don"t we?

It"ll be fun I can assure you. Và please do not leave me in the middle of the process. It feels so disheartening!


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Online Reactions for Magi Season 3

Online reactions are another important factor khổng lồ decide for next season. How people are reacting matters a lot to lớn the team of any series. Reactions may be sometimes wrong but looking at different platforms will surely give the right answer.


Once again we come back to lớn you, dearest Reddit. I"m in a good mood lol! What vày people say about anime? The ironic thing is that whatever they had to lớn say has been told in the year năm trước and this is 2023.

Do you think it matters now? I don"t know. Yet let"s give it a look, at least we will get khổng lồ know what they think about it.

Or, better, what they used lớn think about it!



Expected Plot of Magi Season 3

In the last few episodes, we see Alibaba enter the new World created by Sinbad. If the creators take it up from where they left us, we will probably see Alibaba searching for his friends & then the reunion of the trio.

In Sindria, Alibaba, Aladdin, và Morgiana will train themselves to lớn increase their abilities for a mission. They will work together to confront the mysterious organization Al-Thamen.

Wondering what Al-Thamen is? I am afraid I can"t tell you that. No, it"s not a secret. It"s just that I don"t know about it.

I will have to lớn read the manga lớn know that, but I prefer to wait for Season 3 instead. No matter how long it takes :)There will be a lot of mysteries ahead so tie up your seat belts và get ready for the upcoming adventures in Sindria with Alibaba, Aladdin, và Morgiana.


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Reviews và Rating Score for Magi

Thankfully we got something to lớn keep us hoping. I almost felt as if people don"t like it anymore. But this cheered me up, more so because the review was not given years ago.

It is just a few months old. A sigh of relief!

Top 5 Best-Rated Episodes

Episodes Name and NumberRatings (MyAnimeList)
His Name is Judar (Episode 10, Season 1)4.8/5
Prince of Rebellion (Episode 13, Season 1)4.8/5
Days of Training (Episode 8, Season 2)4.8/5
Titus Alexius (Episode 13, Season 2)4.8/5
The Hidden Citizens (Episode 14, Season 2)4.8/5
The Magicians" Country (Episode 15, Season 2)4.8/5

Magi Manga, DVD/Blu-ray Sales

Is there anything in the world, that can be done without money? Of course, there are, but they aren"t materialistic, are they? They bởi not involve huge financial budgets.

The creation of an anime most certainly does. If the creators of the anime or the manga have been losing money in the second season, rest assured there won"t be a Season 3.

Therefore, we need khổng lồ find out about their profit margin. And when I say "their profit margin", I mean that of the anime creators as well as a mangaka.

Manga Sales

I have got a surprise for you people, và it is huge. As of the year 2016, the manga has had over 28 MILLION copies in circulation.

Eyes open, jaws dropped! 28 MILLION? Oh my lovely God, thank you for this. & the best part is, that the manga became a huge commercial success only after the release of the anime adaptation.

So now we know it was mainly for promotional purposes which were successful. The mangaka has not yet stopped producing volumes for the series. So, maybe when there are enough volumes published, the creators will take it up for another season.

The success is so huge, that the chances are high as well.

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DVD/ Blu-ray Sales

To determine the sales và profit margin of the anime, we need khổng lồ know the number of Blu-Ray disc sales. Total blu-ray sales of the anime are 1,473 while DVD sales stood at 2,283 so in total, we had 3756 sales.

This number is for season 2 while for season 1 we have 2885. With the rise in popularity of online streaming platforms, the sales of Blue-Ray discs have gone down.

Presently, anime is available on platforms like Netflix and Crunchyroll, and I guess most of the profit comes from there. Idoubt that sales are any strong.

The only option is to lớn speculate, and I guess we aren"t interested in wasting our time speculating things. What bởi vì we have next on the menu?

Merchandise Sales

Run a search on Google or any other search engine and you will see there are a lot of products available related to lớn the anime Magi The Labyrinth of Magic.

From T-Shirts khổng lồ gifts and a lot more on platforms like Amazon, Redbubble, etc. If you"re a huge fan hâm mộ and are interested in getting one, you can easily kiểm tra them out.

Popular Magi Characters

Do you love any character from magi? Are you craving khổng lồ see them again in the next season? We have a few important characters from the series below.


Morgiana is a pure-blood Fanalis from the Dark Continent. She is a descendant of the red lion, with red hair & red eyes. These are typical character traits of all Fanalis.

Morgiana rarely talks, but we can"t ignore the fact that she does not always behave like this. She can be extremely furious & violent. One stomp of her feet can break the ground.

That is crazy!!! She suffers from some kind of inferiority complex. This is mainly due khổng lồ everything she has gone through all her life. According to her, she can never become an Empress because once she used lớn be a slave.

This shows how much she has been impacted by this. Although she mostly seems to lớn be tough, she does have her moments of being vulnerable.

This happens mostly, whenever something happens with Alibaba. By the way, I guess you already know that Alibaba is her love interest. Morgiana always tries to lớn be useful lớn people who are close to lớn her & protect them.

And to lớn her, the only close people are Alibaba & Aladdin. This has affected her mentally & mostly she feels she is useless. It feels very bad thinking about her.

This is just fiction, but it"s not that it has never happened in real life. People have had such lives. They were treated no better than animals.

Hands và feet locked in chains, serving their so-called "masters". How horrifying the world had been. Thank God we weren"t born back then. Some of us might have had the same fate.


Alibaba is the male protagonist of the anime. He is a kind young man with average height and blonde hair. Alibaba is shown lớn be cunning in the beginning, but gradually we see him opening up to be a caring person.

He meets Aladdin when he was working as a cart driver và they soon strike up a friendship. Guilty of destroying Alibaba"s goods, Aladdin plans khổng lồ repay his debts by conquering a nearby "dungeon" full of treasure.

Excited by the idea of being rich Alibaba joins Aladdin in the treasure hunt. Throughout the series, we see him growing closer khổng lồ Aladdin và Morgiana.

Together the duo saved Morgiana & helped her break the mental chains of her former slave master Jumail. & then they were three! Alibaba is a very skilled negotiator.

He has had the privilege of getting high-class education. Therefore, Alibaba is a very skilled person as well as a good communicator. Wondering how he got such high-class education?

He was born in the slums of Balbadd right? Yes, but he was the son of the King of Balbadd. Years after Anice"s death, he was taken lớn the palace by the King & was taught maths, physics, economics, & all the other subjects by great teachers.

Then how did he become a cart driver? Well, he eloped from the palace, and to support himself financially he became a cart driver. Now you know his history.

Let me introduce you all khổng lồ Aladdin.


Aladdin"s past is not much known, but later in the anime, we get to know that he is the son of King Solomon và Queen Sheba of Alma Gotten.

Although Aladdin does not know much about worldly affairs, he is a wise man. How can he? Until the day he escaped with Ugo, he had never even seen the outer world.

All he knows is the Room of Fortitude và Ugo. He might not be aware of worldly affairs, but he is very wise compared to others of the same age.

Aladdin is also a magician. He met Alibaba a few days later when he was on a cart with a few other passengers & Alibaba was the driver.

They connect instantly và both share each other"s dreams. Aladdin"s dreams were to lớn conquer the "dungeons"" which according khổng lồ him are full of treasures. By the way, we also see that he has a very bad habit of stealing food.

Aladdin, along with Alibaba, helps Morgiana to escape from her master Jumail.

Other Decisive factors for Magi Season 3

We know about the characters, the popularity of the anime, the sales, and the profit margin. We have also seen the nhận xét and ratings of the anime.

There is only one factor to lớn be dealt with. What is it? The ending of the series. If we have had a proper ending, there are very few chances of another sequel.

But, if the ending was not good, or wasn"t complete, the chances are better. So, it is very important to lớn see what happened at the over of Magic The Labyrinth of Magic Season 2.

Magi Ending Explained

In the Final Arc episode, we see Alibaba Saluja, journeying to lớn the New World created by Sinbad. He tries hard to lớn find his friends Morgiana & Aladdin.

And that"s it? Did he find them? What is the new World like? The show left all of us on a cliffhanger & is not ready for another sequel.

This is cruel khổng lồ the fans. We want lớn know what happens next. We demand a proper ending. The manga is not yet over, so naturally, the storyline of the anime cannot be over too.

Let"s hope for the best.

The Controversy surrounding the Anime

Okay, let"s get straight into it. There are no such controversies around it. Everybody knows it is heavily based on stories from the Arabian Nights và that"s alright.

Most of the storyline is fictitious. There are certain aspects of the anime which giảm giá with cruelty in the real world, lượt thích slavery. It is universally acknowledged as one of the most disgusting acts by the human race.

There"s no denying it. Moreover, slavery is just a small part of it all. So, there isn"t anything controversial related to Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic as of now.


The wait for Magi season 3 will be longer if the creators remain silent, and we must exercise patience because there is enough source material and fan support for them khổng lồ consider it.